Rock the Plaza is a free concert series in Lafayette’s Plaza Park every Friday in June.
This Friday’s Live Music Performed By: Lamorinda Idol Finalists
SAVE THE DATES: Friday evenings, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 2023
Lamorinda Idol Finalists
Now in its 18th year, Lamorinda Idol, a program of the Lamorinda Arts Council, is an annual singing competition open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade who attend school or reside in Contra Costa County. Singers may enter as soloists or in groups. Performing at the Lafayette Plaza on June 23, 2023 will be some of the finalists selected from approximately 150 who will audition. The program of summer concerts and workshops culminates in the Finals at the Orinda Theatre, where singers receive immediate feedback from a panel of distinguished judges, and where the winners in each category receive cash prizes. Learn more here.
Stay tuned for the 2022 lineup: